Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Review: Hold Me Closer, Necromancer

Hold Me Closer, Necromancer (Necromancer, #1)Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lish McBride does something quite remarkable in her debut novel, Hold Me Closer, Necromancer-She creates a fully realized world that contains both magic and adventure and doesn't bog it down with boring, world-building details. Instead, she writes a seamless story about a former fry cook with unbelievable necromancing powers. The book has a whole bunch of twists and turns, as well as some witty writing that never feels cloying or overbearing. And at 342 pages, I finished it in only two days. I was really invested in the characters, like Sam, Ramon, and even the antagonist, Douglas, who is one intimidating bad dude. Similar to Harry Potter, the magic FEELS real, as the world constructed around this story is tight and easy to follow. I'm looking forward to reading the follow-up, Necromancing the Stone. I can't wait!

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