Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Forget Guitar Hero 5, I Want Christian Rock For The PC! Yeah!

Guitar Hero not Christian Rock enough for you? Then the Family Christian Store has the perfect game for you. It’s JAMBand, which, if you asked me what I THOUGHT that could be, I’d probably think something along the lines of Phish or the Grateful Dead, but nope, JAMBand has all of your favorite Christian Rock bands including Avalon, DC Talk, and um...other bands, too! JAMBand supports up to four singers and two musicians which is actually kind of cool, and it uses peripherals already on the market, such as G Hero guitars, drum sets, and microphones.

Not present though are Christian Rock bands that are skirting the lines, like As I Lay Dying, Flyleaf, and P.O.D. My thoughts on all this though? Well, judging by all of the commercials I see on TV for Christian Rock compilations and seeing the huge audiences that show up to them, I guess there’s actually a pretty big market for it, so this may not be such a bad idea after all. I mean, I wouldn’t play the game, but I don’t live in the Midwest, either, so yeah. The game comes out on August 25th (The day after my birthday!) and will be available for the PC. No word on whether this is going to come out for the consoles but I pretty much damn well doubt it. Check out the clip below.

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